Cambridge University Press et al. v. Georgia State University, April 15, 2008. United States District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division
On April 15, 2008, publishers, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and Sage Publications, filed a complaint in the US District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, Atlanta Division, against various representatives of Georgia State University regarding what the publishers allege to be “pervasive, flagrant, and ongoing” (p.3) infringement of their copyrights.
While many of the “infringing” examples cited by Cambridge et al. include the digital distribution of only one chapter of a work, the publishers argue that the amount copied “vastly exceeds . . . fair use in an educational setting” (p.3). It appears from the complaint that most of the information supporting the plaintiffs’ allegations was gleaned from accessing GSU’s online library course reserves. According to plaintiffs, these reserves, including links to instructors’ syllabi as well as digital copies of copyrighted course readings, were freely available not just to students, but to the public in general, at least until the university responded to a request from plaintiffs to address the issue. The university subsequently required students use a password to access the materials.
1. Creating anthologies by mixing together various readings under the professor’s directions: “practice of anthologizing” (p. 18).
2. Constructing classes such that students never “set foot in a bookstore or expend . . . a single cent” (p. 5) in order to participate in a course.
3. Using copyrighted materials without proper permission or payment of fees (the copyright clearance center is suggested as a viable alternative).
4. Construction of “digital course packs” used semester after semester.
5. GSU’s copyright guidelines, which they argue “plainly exceed legal boundaries” (p. 17)
Also, while the publishers assert that requiring permission and the payment of fees “will not jeopardize . . . fair use,” (p. 5) at least some of the uses they list appear to be fair uses, at least when determining a use on a professor-by-professor basis.
It’s doubtful the publishers can do anything about 1 & 2 above – the self-creation of anthologies and the ability of students to avoid paying the exorbitant cost of textbooks is going to continue. That’s the changed nature of course readings due to the affordances of digital technologies. One serious flaw with the publishing industry is the time it takes to get an anthology or textbook into print. In light of the speed at which information comes to us now, that slow model is not very effective. Many of us are already past the textbook by the time it’s released. Thus, the “anthologizing” is a product of a flaw with the publishing industry.
On the other hand, some of the uses described in great detail in the complaint, don’t appear to be totally responsible. If it’s true that 6 chapters of a copyrighted book, were digitally distributed semester after semester, and the fact that this is happening is made very public, it seems like a blatant invitation for a lawsuit. In this case, the publishers got the information supporting their lawsuit from electronic course reserves where materials were allegedly freely available not just to students, but the public. So that’s a problem.
As for damages, it appears the plaintiffs are asking for declaratory and injunctive relief. That is, they want a statement that this is not fair use, and they want the practices to stop. The plaintiffs also request attorneys' fees and costs, and any other relief the court sees fit. The usual time frame for filing an answer to the complaint is 21 days. So we will have to wait and see how the university responds.For those of us switching our readings every year, using open access, public domain, or free-licensed (CC) materials, keeping course readings in password protected areas, and avoiding the scanning and uploading of many chapters or entire books, I don’t think we need to panic yet.
I do think we could work on:
2. Learning how to better negotiate publishing contracts in order to allow educational fair use of our own words.
3. Further development of free-licensed and open access academic journals.
4. Submitting our own scholarly work to publishers who have a more liberal view of fair use in educational contexts. Supporting such publishers by using their texts when teaching, rather than texts of publishing companies with limited views of fair use, might also be an effective strategy.
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