Monday, April 19, 2010

Lessig Writes about Education and Copyright

"I plan to make three observations on the way to stating an argument on the way to proposing what we can do in a debate that I think educators need to take more seriously." (Lessig)

When will the office of us intellectual property honor the open government directive??

I am just wondering about this, since according to the directive, I would think that all the public comments collected by the executive office last month, would be posted in order to foster collaboration and keep the public informed.

So far, no comments are appearing on the US Office of IP website.

Consumers International IP Watchlist Report 2010

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Request for Comments NAGPRA

"In brief, this rule pertains to those human remains, in collections, determined by museums and Federal agencies to be Native American, but for whom no relationship of shared group identity can be reasonably traced, historically or prehistorically, between a present day Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization and an identifiable earlier group. These individuals are listed on inventories as culturally unidentifiable Native American human remains. The rule requires consultation on the culturally unidentifiable human remains by the museum or Federal agency with Indian tribes and Native Hawaiian
organizations whose tribal lands or aboriginal occupancy areas are in the area where the remains were removed. If cultural affiliation still cannot be determined and repatriation achieved, then the Indian tribe or Native Hawaiian organization may request disposition of the remains. The museum or Federal agency would then publish a notice and transfer
control to the tribe, without first being required to appear before the Review Committee to seek a recommendation for disposition approval from the Secretary of the Interior. Disposition requests, which do not meet the parameters of the rule, would still require approval from the Secretary, who may request a recommendation from the Review Committee.
Therefore, the Department is issuing this final rule to be effective May 14, 2010."

Michigan Repatriation Developments

"On Monday, a NAGPRA committee approved a change in the act that will force museums — like the University’s Museum of Anthropology — to inform Native American tribes that “culturally unidentifiable” remains found in their tribal regions may potentially be returned to them.",0

"A group of about 30 anthropologists, archeologists and concerned members of the University community gathered to hear Sven Haakanson, Jr., executive director of the Alutiiq Museum in Alaska, speak and answer questions about relationships between museums and Native American tribes. Haakanson also discussed how the issue of repatriation is often handled at other museums.",0

Information on The Joint Strategic Plan

I've been collecting a bit of information about this plan as it moves forward:

Bio of Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator

Some comments filed recently - I am not finding a centralized location for these public comments yet:

Here is the letter Re: CCCC-IP Caucus & Committee files public comments on The Joint Strategic Plan, and with support of CCCC

The letter should be posted soon to the CCCC-IP Committee website:

Dear Everyone:

A team of us associated with the CCCC-Intellectual Property (IP) Committee and Caucus ( submitted a letter to Victoria A. Espinel, United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator regarding The Joint Strategic Plan before yesterday's 5 pm ET deadline. We had asked for your support Monday afternoon (3-22-2010; see copy of request below). We are just following up to provide a copy of the letter that was submitted, linked below (temporarily posted here-will be moved to IP Committee site soon):

Thanks to everyone for mobilizing on such short notice, and special thanks to Karen Lunsford, Chair of the CCCC Committee on Intellectual Property for working with the larger CCCC organization and obtaining their support.

We'll keep you posted on further developments.

Thanks again—

Martine for the CCCC-IP Caucus, as Junior Chair

CCCC-IP Caucus & Committee files public comments on The Joint Strategic Plan, and with support of CCCC

Last week, we sent out the following email to various listserves and facebook for people to "sign" on in support of public comments crafted by the CCCC-IP Caucus and Committee - here's the email which supplies background information:

Dear Everyone:

We are inviting you to offer your “signature” in support of the CCCC-IP Caucus (endorsed by the CCCC-IP Committee and CCCC) with respect to the letter linked below, on or before Tuesday, midnight EST, March 23, 2010 (send your name and institutional affiliation c/o Offering your support to the IP Caucus does not preclude you from additionally composing your own public comments (details below), and we encourage you to do so.

Each year since 1994 the Intellectual Property Caucus of the Conference on College Communication and Composition (CCCC-IP Caucus) meets for an hours long discussion/workshop on issues surrounding teachers and researchers of writing/composing as those issues intersect intellectual property law and policy.

This year, on Weds. March 17, the caucus crafted a letter to Victoria A. Espinel, United States Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator in response to a formal request for public comments (due on or before March 24 at 5pm EST-but to be submitted by us well in
advance of the deadline) on the topic of increasing IP enforcement (see link to “short explanation” below).


Short Explanation

Call for public comments:

Some sample letters/public comments on somewhat related issues, for further ideas:

If you would like to offer your support of the CCCC-IP Caucus, please send your name and institutional affiliation to on or before Tuesday, midnight EST, March 23, 2010 and it will be included in the designated space on the CCCC-IP Caucus letter (see
letter linked above).

Thank you much for your time!

Martine & Traci

Traci Zimmerman, Associate Professor

The School of Writing, Rhetoric, and Technical Communication

James Madison University

Senior Chair; CCCC-IP Caucus

Martine Courant Rife, Professor

Writing Program, Communication Department

Lansing Community College

Junior Chair; CCCC-IP Caucus